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BEWARE: Any ads claiming FREE implants are fake. The 21D Solution is NOT funded in any way by the NHS. 

Black Teeth: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror and noticed that your teeth look darker than you want them to be? Discovering black teeth can be pretty unsettling, affecting your smile, self-esteem, and oral health. They might make you think twice about laughing freely in that work meeting or chatting with friends.

Black teeth refer to teeth that have a noticeable dark or blackish discolouration. This discolouration can vary in intensity, ranging from subtle shades of grey or brown to more pronounced black hues. It’s essential to note that a black tooth can stem from various factors, including external staining, decay, or underlying dental conditions.

However, black tooth decay isn’t always a sign of doom and gloom. This blog will explore everything from common causes, like sneaky snacks, to more serious dental issues. More importantly, we’ll highlight the treatment options available to get your smile back on track. So, let’s begin.

Causes Of Black Teeth

We understand that seeing black on your teeth can be alarming. However, before jumping to conclusions, let’s explore why is your tooth turning black. There are two main categories: external stains on the surface and internal problems brewing under the enamel. 

Let’s explore the answers to what causes black teeth in adults and children: 

External Strains

These are often the quickest fixes; the good news is that they usually don’t signify major dental problems. Here are a few culprits to consider:

  1. Food and Drink

We all know coffee, tea, and red wine can leave their mark, but did you know certain fruits like berries and curries can also stain? Let’s not forget everyone’s favourite – sugary sweets! These create an environment where stain-causing bacteria thrive. This can be a major cause of black teeth.

  1. Smoking and Tobacco Use

Cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco are notorious for leaving dark stains on teeth. Not only is this aesthetically unappealing, but tobacco use can also irritate your gums and increase your risk of gum disease.

  1. Certain Medications

Some medications, like iron supplements, can leave black or brown stains on your teeth. Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean you must stop taking your meds! Talk to your dentist about ways to minimise staining.

Internal Causes

These causes for a tooth turning black require a dentist’s expertise to diagnose and treat. Here’s where things might get a little more serious

  1. Cavities and Decay

When bacteria eat away at tooth enamel, they create dark holes. If left untreated, these cavities can deepen and reach the tooth’s inner pulp, causing it to die and turn black.

  1. Dental Injuries

A chipped or cracked tooth can expose the inner dentin, which is naturally yellow-brown. In some cases, if the tooth is severely damaged or the blood supply is cut off, the entire tooth can die and turn black.

  1. Previous Dental Work

Old amalgam fillings containing silver sulfide can darken over time, making the tooth appear black.

Black teeth are a common concern, and there are solutions available. At 21D, we provide 100% digital, entire-jaw dental implants to patients with black tooth decay. You can book a free consultation with our dental implant experts at 21D to assess your dental condition. 

Symptoms Of Black Teeth

We’ve discussed the various reasons why teeth might turn black, but how do you know if there’s more going on than just a stain? While black teeth themselves are a symptom, other signs might help you understand the severity of the issue. Here, we’ll explore some additional symptoms to be aware of.

Tooth Sensitivity

Does your tooth feel uncomfortable or spasm with pain, especially when you eat or drink something hot, cold, or sweet? This sensitivity could indicate tooth decay or nerve damage beneath the black discolouration.

Pain and Swelling

If the black tooth is accompanied by persistent pain or swelling in your gums, it could be a sign of an infection. Early intervention is crucial to prevent the infection from spreading.

Difficulty Chewing

Black teeth caused by advanced decay or trauma might weaken the tooth structure, making it difficult to chew correctly. This can impact your ability to enjoy food and could be a sign of needing more extensive dental work.

Bad Breath

Persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, can sometimes accompany black teeth, especially if the cause is advanced decay or gum disease.

It’s important to remember that not everyone will experience all of these symptoms, and some may not experience any at all. However, if you’re noticing any of these alongside black teeth, it’s best to schedule a free consultation with our implantologist at 21D to get a proper diagnosis and discuss treatment options.

Treatment Of Black Teeth

Having black teeth can be worrying, but the good news is that effective treatments are available, depending on the underlying cause. The best course of action will depend on the underlying cause of the discolouration and any additional symptoms you’re experiencing. 

Here, we’ll explore some home remedies and the different clinical treatments your dentist might recommend.

Home Remedies

If the black discolouration on your teeth appears to be simple staining, you can try a few home remedies, but managing expectations is essential.

  1. Brushing with Baking Soda 

Baking soda is a gentle abrasive that can help remove surface stains. Make a paste with baking soda and water, and brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day. However, avoid using it too frequently, as it can damage tooth enamel.

  1. Natural Whitening Products

Some over-the-counter whitening toothpaste or gels contain mild abrasives or chemicals that can help remove surface stains. Look for products with the ADA (American Dental Association) seal of approval for safety and effectiveness.

  1. Lifestyle Changes

Reducing your intake of stain-causing foods and drinks, like coffee or red wine, can help prevent future staining. Quitting smoking can also significantly improve tooth colour.

However, it’s essential to understand that home remedies are only effective for mild extrinsic stains. You may need professional care if your teeth are discoloured due to a more severe issue.

Clinical Treatments

Depending on the diagnosis, there are different clinical treatments that you can have on your black teeth.

  1. Professional Cleaning

Professional dental cleaning is often the first step. Your dentist will use specialised tools and techniques to remove plaque, tartar, and deep stains contributing to discolouration.

  1. Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening treatments can be very effective if the black discolouration is caused by mild to moderate intrinsic staining. Your dentist can offer in-office whitening procedures for faster results or recommend at-home whitening kits for a more gradual approach.

  1. Dental Fillings

For black teeth caused by cavities, your dentist will remove the decayed material and replace it with a tooth-coloured filling, restoring both function and aesthetics.

  1. Dental Crowns

If the tooth structure is significantly damaged or weakened due to decay, trauma, or a dead tooth, a dental crown can be placed over the remaining tooth structure to restore strength and improve appearance. Crowns come in various materials, including tooth-coloured porcelain, which can effectively mask black discolouration.

  1. Dental Implants 

Dental implants can offer a long-term solution for replacing the missing tooth and restoring functionality in severely decayed or dead teeth that need extraction. A dental implant is a small titanium screw surgically placed in the jawbone to act as an artificial tooth root. An abutment is then attached to the implant, and a custom-made crown is placed on the abutment, creating a natural-looking and functional replacement tooth.

How Can Dental Implant Help You From Black Teeth?

Now that you’ve explored various treatment options for black teeth. While some can address the discolouration itself, others, like dental implants, go further to restore your smile’s aesthetics and functionality. A dental implant can be a life-changing solution if a severely decayed or dead tooth is the reason behind your black tooth.

Dental implants offer several benefits that can significantly improve your quality of life:

Natural-Looking Smile

Dental implants are designed to blend seamlessly with your surrounding teeth. The custom-made crown placed on the implant will be colour-matched to your natural teeth, effectively masking any black discolouration and creating a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

Improved Functionality

Black teeth caused by a dead or severely decayed tooth can weaken the structure and compromise your ability to chew effectively. Dental implants function like natural teeth, restoring full chewing power and allowing you to enjoy a variety of foods confidently.

Long-Term Solution

Unlike traditional bridges or dentures, dental implants are a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth. With proper care, they can last for many years, eliminating the need for frequent replacements or adjustments.

Enhanced Confidence

A healthy, complete smile can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem. By addressing the black tooth and restoring a natural appearance, dental implants can help you feel more comfortable smiling, laughing, and interacting with others in social situations.

Why Choose 21D As Your Dental Implant Clinic?

Black teeth can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort. Dental implants permanently restore aesthetics and functionality if a dead or decaying tooth is the culprit. 

At 21D, we offer 100% digital, full-jaw dental implants with immediate fixed teeth. Here’s why 21D can be your partner in achieving a confident smile again:

Efficiency and Speed At 21D, we use computer-guided implant technology, allowing us to place implants and fixed teeth in just one hour or less per jaw in most cases. This minimises the number of appointments needed and gets you back to enjoying your smile faster.

Focus on Affordability Dental implants can be a significant investment. Therefore, we strive to make our treatment plans accessible by offering competitive pricing and working with financing options that fit your budget.

Experienced Team  Our team comprises highly skilled and experienced clinicians, nurses, and coordinators dedicated to providing personalised care and ensuring your comfort throughout the treatment process.

With our commitment to efficiency, affordability, and expertise, 21D can help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile and regain the confidence to shine. So, if you want to own a natural smile again, schedule a complimentary consultation with our implantologists today!


Black teeth can cause concern, but you can regain a healthy, confident smile with proper diagnosis and treatment. This blog has explored the reasons behind black tooth decay, the symptoms to watch out for, and the treatment options available, from home remedies to advanced dental procedures. 

Remember, early intervention is critical! Feel free to schedule a consultation with your dentist to discuss your concerns and get a personalised treatment plan. With the right approach, you can say goodbye to black teeth and hello to a brighter, healthier smile!


Can Children Suffer From Black Teeth?

Yes, children can develop black teeth for various reasons, such as tooth decay, trauma, or certain medications. To ensure an effective treatment, one must visit the dentist at the earliest.

Is Black Tooth Painful?

A black tooth may or may not be painful, depending on the underlying cause. While tooth decay or infection can cause pain, discolouration alone may not necessarily be accompanied by discomfort.

Will Chipped Tooth Become Black?

If left untreated, a chipped tooth may develop discolouration, especially if decay sets in or trauma to the pulp. Timely dental care can help prevent further damage and discolouration of your teeth.

If I Hit My Teeth, Will It Go Black?

Trauma to the teeth can cause discolouration due to internal bleeding or damage to the pulp. However, prompt dental evaluation is crucial to assess damage and prevent further complications.