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BEWARE: Any ads claiming FREE implants are fake. The 21D Solution is NOT funded in any way by the NHS. 

BEWARE: Any ads claiming FREE implants are fake. The 21D Solution is NOT funded in any way by the NHS. 

Truth About Dental Implants- Debunking Common Myths

Dentistry has evolved significantly in recent years, with many transformative changes in the effectiveness of restoring both aesthetics and functioning. The truth about dental implants is that they offer a permanent solution for missing teeth that restores aesthetics and functions in a way similar to natural teeth. 

However, there are still many questions and misconceptions surrounding dental implants. Some people are still determining whether dental implants are right for them, will be painful, or look natural. It is essential to differentiate between right and wrong information. This article clarifies misconceptions and provides correct information regarding dental implant procedures.

But First, What Is Dental Implant Surgery?

Imagine biting into a juicy apple, feeling the satisfying crunch, and savouring the flavour without care. But what if missing teeth were holding you back from this simple pleasure? This is where dental implant surgery, the ultimate tooth replacement superhero, comes in!

Dental implant surgery is a modern dental procedure that replaces missing teeth with permanent tooth-like structures. Unlike dentures or bridges that rest on the gums, implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone, mimicking real teeth’ natural function and stability.

Think of dental implants as bionic tooth roots. These tiny titanium posts are surgically placed into your jawbone, mimicking the natural root of a lost tooth. 

Over time, your jawbone bonds with the implant, creating a rock-solid foundation for a dazzling new tooth. This isn’t just any replacement; it’s a custom-made crown that looks, feels, and functions like your natural teeth.

So, if you want to regain your lost smile, book a free consultation with 21-D today.

Let’s Uncover The Truth About Dental Implants

When planning for dental implants, it’s important to distinguish between myths and reality. Conflicting information can be discouraging, so take the time to read and understand the truth before undergoing the procedure.

Myth 1: Dental Implants Are Painful

There is a common misconception that dental implants are a painful and complex procedure that can cause discomfort to the patient. However, the truth about dental implants is that the advancements in dental technology and techniques have made dental implant procedures minimally invasive and relatively painless. 

These procedures are performed under local anaesthesia, ensuring the patient does not experience much pain. Dental professionals may also offer sedatives or intravenous sedation to help the patient relax during the treatment. 

After the procedure, analgesic and pain medication are prescribed with proper post-operative instructions to reduce any discomfort associated with the treatment. The post-operative discomfort is usually minimal and can be effectively managed.

At 21-D, we offer modern-day technology to ensure a less painful dental implant experience. So book a free consultation with our experienced team today. 

Myth 2: Dental Implants Are Time-Consuming

Dental implant treatments are not time-consuming. The exact time required for dental implant treatment depends on various factors and individual circumstances. The whole treatment occurs through several stages. 

The doctor will assist the patient and provide a treatment plan from the initial consultation. The implant procedure is a minor procedure that takes a few hours to complete. Once the implants are placed, osseointegration occurs, during which the implant fuses to the jawbone. 

After this, osteointegration takes about 3 to 4 months. The final step involves attaching the dental crown or restoration to the implant. During this time, the patient can engage in regular life activities, and the dental implant treatment will not affect their life. 

The overall treatment timeline is several months, but it is important to note that the time is given to allow the implant to integrate with the jawbone properly. This period is given to get successful results once the treatment is completed. Therefore, it is not a time-consuming process but a time given to benefit the patient.

Myth 3: Dental Implants Requires High Maintaintainance

Dental implants are an excellent option for those who are missing teeth. Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants do not require high maintenance. Instead, they require basic oral care procedures similar to a natural tooth. 

  • Regular Brushing: This includes regular brushing and cleaning the implants twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush to keep them free from food particles and bacteria. Flossing: Flossing is another way to ensure the health of the gums surrounding the implant, making it an essential step in the oral care routine.
  • Routine Checkups:  Routine checkups with your dentist are essential to monitor the health of implants and surrounding oral structures and ensure the treatment’s success. 

By following these simple steps, you can maintain healthy dental implants and enjoy the benefits of a confident and beautiful smile.

Myth 4: Dental Implants Are For Older People

It is incorrect to assume that dental implants are not suitable for everyone. Dental implants can be given to adults of any age.

  • Various Causes of Tooth Loss: Tooth loss can happen at any age due to multiple factors and is not determined by age. Therefore, dental implant treatment can be done for adults of any age.

The decision to get a dental implant depends on several factors, such as the cost of the treatment, the location of the missing tooth, and other recent injuries or diseases that may have led to tooth loss. This issue can affect adults of any age, and they can opt for dental implants as a solution.

  • Bone Health: The patient’s overall health, rather than just their age, is another factor determining the suitability for dental implants. Sufficient jawbone to support the implant is a good indicator for the procedure.
  • Aesthetics and Function: For younger adults who are highly conscious about facial aesthetics and functionality, it is essential to restore their teeth. Dental implants provide a stable, permanent, durable, and visually appealing solution for those who want to improve their smile.

Myth 5: Dental Implants Restricts You To Eat Food For A Long Duration

Dental implants restore the ability to chew and bite like regular teeth. During the healing process, patients may be advised to stick to a soft or liquid diet for a few days to ensure proper healing and avoid any interference with the implant.

Once the healing is complete and the dental crown or rest is placed, patients can confidently enjoy various foods in their diet without special instructions. The implants provide the same strength and stability as natural teeth, allowing patients to bite and chew confidently.

Myth 6: Dental Implants Looks Unnatural

Modern dental implants are indeed crafted with the utmost precision. They are designed to look aesthetically pleasing and natural and function just like natural teeth. With advancements in dental implant technology, the implants are now created in the perfect size, shape, and shade to match existing teeth. This ensures the implant won’t affect your ability to smile or chew and will function like a natural tooth.

Myth 7: Dental Implants Often Fails

The high popularity of dental implants is due to their high success rate when the procedure is done with proper care. The key features include:

  • Technological advancements: Dental implants are now constructed from biocompatible materials like titanium that promote osteointegration, ensuring a firm implant anchoring.
  • Skill and Expertise:  The dentist’s skill and expertise are crucial in accessing the anatomy of the mouth and ensuring proper placement of the implant. Following the appropriate procedure increases the success of the implant. 
  • Post-Operative Care: Post-operative care is essential. Strictly following the dentist’s instructions, maintaining oral hygiene, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and following a proper diet plan can increase the implant’s lifespan.
  • Routine Checkups: Routine checkups are crucial for detecting early issues and timely corrections, which can help long-term implant health. While no medical procedure can claim absolute success, dental implants, when done correctly, can last a lifetime, making them a worthy investment in one’s oral health.

Myth 8: Dental Implants Are Not For People With Gum Diseases

It is essential to assess the gum health of a patient when selecting the right person to perform implant placement. A patient with healthy gums is ideal, but those with gum diseases can still be considered for implant treatment. However, gum health is not the only factor determining a patient’s suitability. The following points must also be considered:

  • Foundation as a Key Factor:  Just like healthy gums are necessary for dental implants’ stability and success, they are also the supporting structure of teeth. – Treatment for active gum diseases must be provided as it can affect the success of dental implants. 
  • Treatment: If a patient has gum disease, the dentist will recommend treating the gum disease first. This can range from deep cleaning to intensive periodontal treatment, depending on the severity of the disease. 
  • Re-evaluation Post Treatment:  After addressing the gum diseases, a re-evaluation post-treatment will be done. Patients who improve their gum disease will be suited for implant treatment. 
  • Maintenance: Maintenance is crucial even after getting the implants post-gum disease treatment. Oral hygiene maintenance is vital through regular checkups, brushing, and flossing, increasing the lifespan of the implant and the natural tooth.

Myth 9: Dental Implants Need Healthy Bones

Bone grafts are often necessary to promote healthy bone growth and provide a solid foundation for dental implants in patients who have experienced trauma, inflammation, or disease. In cases where the natural teeth do not provide enough support, bone grafts can be used to facilitate successful implant procedures. 

Bone grafts are required to enable bond formation and to make a solid foundation for dental implants in patients with diseases. Following that, extraction, trauma and inflammation, boundless, can occur around natural teeth.

Myth 10: Dental Implants Are More Costly Than Tooth Replacement

It is a common myth that an implant costs a lot, but considering the longevity and overall benefits, the investment in dental implants is worth every penny.

  • Initial Cost and Long-term Costs: Investing in dental implants may initially seem expensive, but it is a worthy investment in the long run. While other replacement options like bridges or dentures may have a lower initial cost, they require regular maintenance and replacement over the years, which can add up to a higher price. On the other hand, dental implants can last for a lifetime with proper care and maintenance, making their one-time cost more economical.
  • Strength and Durability: Dental implants offer durability and strength that are unmatched by other tooth restorations. The implant’s titanium root is highly strong and durable, reducing the chances of loss of strength and stability in the future. Additionally, implants are placed in the jawbone, adding strength to the jawbone by osseointegration, without any other support like bridges, which can compromise the health of other teeth.
  • Holistic Oral Health Benefits: Implants offer a discomfort-free life and improved speech, aesthetics, and function, which are qualitative improvements that are priceless for a better quality of life. 
  • Payment Plans: Dental practices and insurance companies offer coverage options and payment plans that help patients pay with minimal initial cost, making it available to everyone without breaking the bank.

Why Can 21D Be Your Perfect Dental Implant Clinic?

Now that you have unravelled the myths about dental implants, you must wonder which clinic you should choose to get your full jaw dental implant. Let’s clear this doubt as well with 21D. It is a dental implant clinic that offers a unique and faster method for getting dental implants. 

Moreover, we also use a computer-guided system to deliver implants and fixed teeth in one hour or less. Other than this, here are some more benefits which you can enjoy by availing the services of 21-D dental implants: 

Less Painful: 

Our computer-guided system also helps to make the procedure less painful. This is because it allows for more precise placement of the implants, which reduces the risk of damage to nerves and tissues.

Experienced Team: 

We at 21D comprise a team of skilled professionals who are experts in dental implants. This means that you can be confident that you are in good hands.

Competitive Prices: 

At 21D, we claim that our prices are among the best in the market. It is very competitive to those of other providers of dental implants. This makes us a more affordable option for people who are considering dental implants.


Today, information is readily available at your fingertips. However, some people can easily be misguided or overwhelmed by opinions, especially regarding dental health, particularly full-mouth dental implants. There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding dental implants. 

Still, the truth about implants is that they debunk these myths and provide clear and accurate information to help people make informed decisions. A smile is a significant part of our lives and can bring great joy. We all deserve a better smile, so it’s crucial to understand the correct information and focus on improving our overall health.


Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Investing in dental implants is a wise decision as they can significantly improve the quality of life. Dental implants are considered a permanent solution for tooth replacement and can boost one’s confidence in social situations. It is a one-time investment that requires only follow-up appointments and no further treatments. Moreover, dental implants maintain the surrounding bone, and with a success rate of 95-98%, they offer a lifetime of benefits.

Are Dental Implants Safe 

Dental implant procedures are considered safe due to advancements in modern technology. Implants suit almost all patients, and the procedure is entirely secure. A professional dentist will assess the patient’s suitability for the implant and suggest the appropriate action. The implants are made of titanium, which allows them to bond with the jawbone and provide lifelong strength naturally. If carried out correctly by a skilled dentist, implant procedures are safe and highly successful.

Do Tooth Implants Last Forever 

On average, dental implants can last for a period of 15 to 20 years. However, their lifespan can be extended beyond 20 years depending on various factors such as the age and condition of the patient. To improve the lifespan of dental implants, it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene and avoid smoking and alcohol, as these can have adverse effects on the implant. Also, proper management of pre-existing medical conditions can help prevent implant damage. Following these instructions can help to ensure that dental implants last a lifetime.

How Are Dental Implants Done

Dental implants are titanium screws that are surgically inserted into the jawbone where the tooth root used to be. An abutment is attached to the implant body, and a fixation screw is placed to support the artificial teeth that are connected to it. The procedure is conducted under local anaesthesia so the patient will not feel pain. Once the implants are placed, they are left for osteointegration for three weeks to one month. Following that, the prosthetic tooth is placed onto the implant.